那覇東郵便局は、環境に優しい設計を行い、郵便局としては初めて「ZEB 認証」を取得しました。
右のグラフは「ZEB チャート」と呼ばれるもので、横軸は省エネルギーの効果、縦軸は太陽光発電などの創エネルギーの効果を示しています。当郵便局は、平成28年の省エネルギー基準と比較して、68%の省エネルギーと13%の創エネルギーを達成し、合計で81%のエネルギー削減に成功し、「Nearly ZEB(※1)」という高い評価を受けました。
- 「Nearly ZEB」は、ZEBの達成度に応じた4段階評価のうち、上から2番目の評価で、省エネルギーが50%以上、さらに省エネルギーと創エネルギーを合わせて75%以上となることが条件です。
Naha-Higashi Post Office has implemented an environment friendly design and is the first post office to obtain ZEB certification.
ZEB stands for "Net Zero Energy Building," which aims to balance the energy consumed by the building over a year with energy saved through insulation, solar shading, and high-efficiency equipment ("energy-saving") and energy created by solar power generation ("energy creation"), bringing the energy balance close to zero.
The graph on the right is called a "ZEB Chart" with the horizontal axis showing the effect of energy-saving measures and the vertical axis showing the effect of energy creation by solar power generation, etc. Compared to the energy-saving standards of 2016, this post office achieved 68% energy savings and 13% energy creation, resulting 81% reduction of energy consumption, earning the high rating of "Nearly ZEB(*1)".
Requiring less energy for operation also gains the advantage of being able to use the building for longer periods with limited energy in the event of a regional energy supply disruption due to disasters.
- "Nearly ZEB" is the second-highest of the four-tier ZEB achievement evaluation system, requiring energy savings of 50% or more, with a combination of energy-saving and energy creation measures totaling 75% or more.

ZEB Mark

ZEB chart of Naha-Higashi Post Office